
Showing posts with the label ArcMap

How to Pull a House Number Out of an Address

One of the most common tasks associated with addresses, is how to pull the house number out of an address. First, create a new field in your data.  Name it House_Number. Next, copy the parcel address into this new field. Then, if you haven't done so already, start an edit session. Open Field Calculator for House_Number.  Using VBA type:            split([field], " ")(0) This is telling the field to delete everything after the first space, giving you the house number. Happy GIS-ing! Lindsy Bentley

Rename Sub Folders in A Directory With Python

Here's a little bit of code that renames sub folders in a directory with python. import os import os.path for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(r'O:\!2016\your folder path here):     for idx in range(len(dirnames)):         print(dirnames[idx])         newname = dirnames[idx].split(' ')[0].upper() + " " + dirnames[idx].split(' ')[1].upper()         os.rename(os.path.join(dirpath, dirnames[idx]), os.path.join(dirpath, newname))         dirnames[idx] = newname

Sequential Numbers

In ArcMap, here is how you can calculate sequential numbers using Field Calculator. Set field calculate to python. Paste this in pre logic script: rec=0 def autoIncrement():  global rec  pStart = 1   pInterval = 1  if (rec == 0):    rec = pStart   else:    rec += pInterval   return rec Paste this in second box autoIncrement() Check out one of my other posts about how to Convert from Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees in Python here . Happy GISing! Lindsy Hales Bentley

How to pull numbers out of a string

Here’s a little function to pull numbers out of a string. import re def calculate(value):   newVal = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", value)   if newVal == "":     return 0   elif newVal is None:     return 0   else:     return newVal calculate( !Size! ) Happy GISing! Lindsy Hales Bentley

ESRI GIS Model Builder

Who here loves Model Builder? Well, if you haven't had a reason to use it before, let's chat about it's benefits.  Prior to my working at an engineering firm, I never had a reason to use it.  There wasn't anything that I did on a regular basis that called for it.  I took all of the classes, read all of the books, and I just didn't get why it was useful. Then, I was asked to convert utilities for a project.  Not just once, but on a weekly basis.  Start to finish, it took me two weeks to convert and clean up the utilities from CAD on that beastly project.  Two.  VERY. PAINFUL. Weeks.  *Bang head against desk here.* This meant the utilities were never up to date in the project map.  After two months of figuring out the kinks in the conversion process, I was challenged to create a model of this process.  It looked something like this: Yes I'm OCD, and everything has to line up pretty. My first model.  I had my doubts ...